Review – Translate Slowly 3

Ryan Adams posted his top albums of 2011 on Facebook in December of that year and Zeitgeist/The Reivers’ “Translate Slowly” got a nice review (despite the error crediting Kelly Bell with bass on the album) as one of his longtime favorite, formative albums:

“#5 DRA [note- “DRA” stands for David Ryan Adams]-Album of the Year…. The Reivers…”Translate Slowly”……. The Reivers spin some kind of hypnotic weave of two guitar patchwork that instantly draws you in and settles you. They share two vocalists, John Croslin- like Lou Reed if he were from Texas and probably enjoying a stoney afternoon drive to a bowling alley someplace in Texas, and Kim Longacre- endlessly cool in her observations and sexy in her verse without even trying (don’t get me started-)… this is a band the world didn’t deserve. They could write entire records about houses and probably did and you would cry like a little baby. Kelly Bell plays bass on this ( i think ) and the steady and rad Garrett Williams played the drums.
I think pretty much my first three years making music was trying to emulate the cool and laid back vibe of this band. When they went for excitement it was still so believable and the melodies and the rushing tones would drag me in. This record starts and it sounds like you entered a surprise party. Never leave home without it. Endlessly great.”