I thought I was just about the only person who even knew about The Reivers! I introduced all my friends to them. So it was a real kick to learn of this site. I first learned of them back in the Zeigeist days in ’85 or so when Translate Slowly was released. I read a blurb about them in Rolling Stone (I think) in an article about new bands. I was into getting into new music (and still am) and since my disposable income was fairly loose, I took a shot and fell in love with the album. I bought each subsequent album immediately upon release and was never disappointed.

I never understood why the name change should have been such a problem. Once it was called to my attention, it was never an issue at all. And the appropriate sticker (“formerly, Zeitgeist of Austin, Texas” or whatever it said) on Saturday should have done the trick.
Regrettably, I never had the opportunity to hear them live.
-Tony Donato (Dec. 14, 1999)

Read Tony Peters bit and was surprised to discover that I was at the very same Memorial Hall show in Chapel Hill, where the Reivers opened for the Connells. That was the first, and sadly, only time I was fortunate enough to catch the band live. It did inspire me to purchase End of the Day, along with the subsequent Pop Beloved and Translate Slowly reissue. Ended up with Saturday on vinyl, which still sounds pretty good (thankfully my wife let me keep my vinyl despite the size/inconvenience, etc.). Anyway, the Reivers fall in to my underrated 80’s artist list along with the now defunct Winter Hours and Tommy Keene. That interaction between John and Kim’s voices was terrific and unique. Certainly missed.
-Phillip Asby (Nov. 15, 1999)

I first stumbled on Zeitgeist by total accident….back in 1984 (?) I was looking to trade in a Rick Springfield LP that my mom bought for me (!). The guy at the independent record store would give me two dollars for it….enough to buy a single. He recommended the new one from Zeitgeist, with “Freight Train Rain” on it and I’ve been a fan ever since. I had the chance to see the band twice. Once as Zeigeist at the Brewery in Raleigh, NC on the “Translate Slowly” tour. The Wild Seeds opened up. I remember them doing “Wherehaus Jam” and saying that they didn’t normally do that one live. I also remember a big jam session at the end of the show with members of both bands doing silly cover versions. I also remember being totally blown away by how good they were live.

The second time I saw them was at Memorial Hall in Chapel Hill, NC on the “End of the Day” tour. The Reivers were opening for the Connells (a local band, that has had some fleeting success nationally). I remember not knowing who they were at first (that name change confused a lot of us), but was pleasantly surprised. My favorite of their albums has to be “Pop Beloved”, simply because it sounds so relaxed. This was a band that truly was underappreciated. Unfortunately, I’ve only got “End of the Day” and “Pop Beloved” on CD….I have to drag out the vinyl to hear the others. I look on ebay for the others, but they usually go for $100 (I’ll stick to my vinyl for that price). One more thing….I remember seeing a listing for a Zeitgeist live EP on a DB Records order sheet, but I’ve never actually seen a copy.
-Tony Peters (Oct. 12, 1999)

I don’t have much of a story as compared with some of the other people that have written — never saw them in concert, and in fact my discovery of them came after they had broken up. Briefly, I was going to graduate school at Texas Tech University, in Lubbock, Texas. I had driven down to Austin for the weekend to do some mountain biking with a couple of friends of mine when “Chinatown” came on KGSR. Here I was, starved for musical culture and upon entering the radio reception for the Austin area, hear this song. I was completely blown away. We always hit up the used CD stores during my visit, simply so I could bring some musical culture back to the Lubbock area and I spent much of the weekend searching for Reivers CD’s. I found Translate slowly fairly quickly. I had a guy at Pagen Rhythms in Dallas try to order Pop Beloved, to no avail & was always told that End of the Day was already out of print. This was circa 1992. Somehow, at University Records, a used CD store in Lubbock, Trinni was able to track down two copies of Pop Beloved for me. I bought one, & months later found another at that same store, used, so I picked that one up too and gave it to a friend of mine.

Incidentally, this guy, Trinni, remembers seeing them play on a couple of occasions when they stopped in Lubbock. Sometime around 1994, I found Saturday at that same store. But it took moving to California and visiting Village Music in Mill Valley to find End of the Day on unopened vinyl. Picked it up for a surprising $6.99 — as if it had arrived new, and never been sold. I haven’t opened it yet, as a friend of mine copied it from CD to tape for me — that satisfies my need for now. Maybe someday, I’ll breakdown and open the thing, simply to hear the quality come out in my living room. So, little did I know what a quest hearing one little song back in 1992 would lead me to. Oh well, the adventure of getting all their stuff in one media or another is worth the story in itself. Thanks again for a great site, I’ll bookmark it & check back on occasion!

(btw, i checked my copy of ‘end of the day’ last night and sure enough, it has an original stock date of 8/90 on it, for $8.99 — so the $6.98 i paid for it was less than what it originally listed for :^)
-James Collier (Oct. 1, 1999)

I first encountered the Reivers through my brother in about ’87-’88, as he was old enough (or at least could pass for such at the time) to enter the clubs in both Dallas and Austin. He purchased both Saturday and End of the Day on CD, of which I only have Saturday still, for End of the Day was borrowed and subsequently “lost” (highly supsect if you ask me, but that’s what you get for loaning CD’s). I then purchased Pop Beloved in ’91 and have had this CD as a perennial favorite. I also have the original cut of Zeitgeist, Translate Slowly, on tape, which is another all time best album in my opinion.

Recently, I have been using the marvels of the internet to locate and purchase other Reivers albums and found, ordered and received the End of the Day original LP from an outback, literally, record store in Australia—strange to think that this record made it accross the Pacific and back in excellent condition, even the original jacket insert, with the words to most of the songs, is in perfect condition(Curious about the price: only $3.99 US Dollars….yea, I know, what a steal. Sure the shipping increased the cost, but considering I ordered it while relaxed in a chair in the comfort of A/C during the Texas summer heat is worth the shipping charges alone.)

Just last night I had to dust off the turntable and copied the pops, hisses and crackles of a genuine record to tape, so I could listen to it in the car–one of my favorite “mediums” for listening to their tunes. You know, as I listened to the humming that the needle picked up and the other “distortions” created by the record’s vinyl surface, the Reivers’ music almost sounds better with that rustic backdrop– as if from a lost era of music, but an era that really never existed in time. I know that sounds corny, but I literally grew-up listening to their music, and have so many memories associted with various songs. However, contrary to the memories associated with other songs and bands, even when the times were “tough”, none of the Reivers’ songs soured in my mind–I suppose it is an anchor of emotion that prose/poetry/music can be for each individual and mine just happens to be the Reivers.

Also, I have ordered and will receive the Reivers labeled re-print of Translate Slowly on CD, used, from a place in the Netherlands. This one will cost more, about $30 US Dollars w/shippping included, but I still consider it to be steal. I suppose that through this whole process of obtaining these treasures I couldn’t stop asking myself “why did these very talented artists (which many musicians are not)stop producing/break-up?” I know there are many obstacles to inspiration and creativity, but my god, I would never surrender to a pressure that would deactivate my abilities. I would hate to learn that the record label gave up on them…although it wouldn’t surprise me, for most of the crap that has come out in the past six years is unforgiveably MTV to the core, save a few, very select bands. Anyway, I have used my fair share of time, but thanks for providing the forum through which I was able share my thoughts.
-Nathan Andersen (Aug. 27, 1999)

I am very pleased to have found your website – The Reivers were always one of my favorite bands during my college years. I was a disc jockey at my college radio station (WSBF-FM) from 1987 through 1989, when I graduated. I attended Clemson University in Clemson, SC, and the Reivers were always a favorite of both the staff and the listeners. (Technically, the Zeitgeist album was popular, and so were the Reivers albums). There were many calls requesting either “Araby” or “In Your Eyes” – and always cheerfully honored! Anyhow, amongst all of the bands that you come across in college radio, the Reivers were always a standout – great songwriting, great vocal arrangements (the way they sounded vocally SHOULD have won them more success). TO THIS DAY, the Reivers still find a spot in my (home) CD changer on a regular basis. Unfortunately, I never caught this band live. It’s a shame that the business end of things wore them out. My favorite songs are “Baby”, “Freight Train Rain”, “Cowboys”, “In Your Eyes”, and “Jeanie”, and “Katie” – in no particular order. Thanks for a fun trip down memory lane – I guess there’s little hope of a reunion.
-Bill Menichillo (Aug. 7, 1999)

First, thank you for putting together this great site on the Reivers. I was/am a huge fan of theirs and I came across your site in search of (hopefully) some sources so I can get my hands on “End of the Day” on CD. I have everything on vinyl, including the original Zeitgeist release, and it and “Saturday” are autographed by all band members. I am missing the CD because I didn’t have a CD player until I got out of college – and then it was too late. Still, I lucked out I guess – I went to UT and so spent most of my time tracking them down whenever they played – from 1987 when I came to school until they broke up in 1991. If you look at your last concert photo [Reivers’ last performance at the Cannibal Club] to the left of Cindy at the guy with his head turned to the left, that’s me. My wife is in the photo too – we had just started dating and this was the first thing I took her to.
-Lee Wiesehuegel (Aug 6, 1999)

I first discovered The Reivers through a friend while I was living in Central Washington. She had just returned from a trip to Bellingham and was going on and on about this great band she saw in a bar while she was up there. She had bought Pop Beloved on cassette at the show and she played it in her car incessantly! I liked the whole album, but especially Other Side – still one of my favorites by them. I started dating a girl and it turned out she had End Of The Day. That album became the soundtrack to my Summer of 1992.

Since then I’ve managed, with some difficulty, to procure a copy of all their albums – the Saturday CD was by far the most difficult to track down (I’ve only just recently found it – I now have it on CD, cassette and vinyl!). I even scored a copy of the Quality Time With The Reivers promo vinyl! I was looking through a dusty old shop not finding much of anything interesting, and chanced upon this little gem! I couldn’t believe my eyes! I did a double take, then a triple take – acoustic versions of some of my favorite songs! I didn’t even know of it’s existence, and fate handed me one of the prizes of my collection.

I would have to say Star Telegram is my favorite Reivers song – not to mention one of my favorite pieces of music, period. End Of The Day is one of those rare albums that I can put on and listen to all the way through without getting all itchy to mix it up and put something else on. I used to work at a record store in Seattle, and I distinctly remember there being a display up on the wall for End Of The Day, but at the time I didn’t have a clue about The Reivers and neither did anyone else, unfortunately. Over the years I’ve gotten into all kinds of music – old jazz, blues, classical, funk, soul, hip-hop, international, reggae and lately LOTS of electronic – but I always come back to The Reivers. John and Kim’s perfect vocal interplay, their beautifully sad songs and their great pop moments will always lure me back!
What a great band!
Edward Hansen (May 11, 1999)

I went to see one my other favorite bands, Superchunk, in Cincinnati last Saturday. In a gushing display of fanboy nerddom, I began to talk to the guitarist, Jim (a very nice guy). I was asking about bands that he knew and I asked if he had heard of The Reivers. He said something like, “Yeah…Zeitgeist.” He then jokingly sang a few lines from the song Saturday. He then directed me toward the drummer, Jon (another cool guy). Jon told me he used to play in a band that opened up for The Reivers a few times (I think when they were Zeitgeist-not sure??). Anyway, Jon said one time his snare head broke and he had to borrow Garrett’s. He said it sounded exactly how it did on the album (I think he meant Translate Slowly). He also said Cindy had made him a tape of weird, cool music and The Reivers had come and seen them play once or twice. I directed Jon toward your site, I hope he visits and leaves a message. He autographed my friends album: “Joe, It’s About Time” It was great to find out my two favorite bands are connected in some way….no matter how remote or insignificant:-)
Noah Butler (March 11, 1999)

I have the Zeitgeist “Translate Slowly” LP which I bought at some vinyl store back around 1987. What a great pop album! Everyone, even to this day, that I play it for loves it. My wife loves that it’s danceable. Anyways, I had always wanted to see them live, but things like other gigs and basically life, always seemed to be happening to me. You move to a big city like San Francisco, things are always going on. The first Lollapalooza tour ( I think? ) just happened to coincide with the Reiver’s last tour and they were playing the I-Beam on Haight Street in SF. Jane’s Addiction and that tour was all the way down the Peninsula in Mountain Views’ Shoreline Amphitheatre. That’s about an hour’s drive up the peninsula. Needless to say that was the best day of music any person could have. It was good to get away from the sweaty masses of alternarock kids and see the best and most neglected pop band in the most intimate setting. Unfortunately, I was the only one of our group to see the Reivers because they hadn’t really heard of them. Too bad. They were everything I imagined and heard through all of their library of music. I’ll never forget my most favorite secret band.
Richard Gatmaitan (Jan. 29, 1999)

They were (well, still are) one of my favorite bands (maybe my favorite) and have been a great influence in my music, even though they’re long gone at this point. I attended all of their shows when they came to Raleigh, NC in the late 80s (when I was in school there). Even got a cool hand-written response from Kim in response to fan mail I once sent them! I’ve forwarded the link to your site to some college buddies. We used to sit around and play Zeitgeist/Reivers songs on the guitar (most are fairly easy to play) and of course, we checked them out everytime they came to the Raleigh/Chapel Hill area. I remember one time we made hand-painted t-shirts to wear to one show…mine was a stylized reproduction of the Translate Slowly cover. Kim and Cindy really liked it and I got lots of compliments!
-Tom Ackerson, Atlanta (Jan. 14,1999)