I was a college DJ in Terre Haute, IN at Indiana State in the late 80s when I discovered and played (and played and played) The Reivers.  Have really never stopped listening to the band since then.  I was playing the Translate Slowly album today on a beautiful afternoon in Bozeman, Montana when I cruised by your web site and learned of the new album.  Can’t tell you how happy that makes me.  Second Story, indeed. Rock on.
-Greg Owens (April 4, 2013)


Happened across this web-site tonight… ah yes, The Reivers!  (They’ll remember me, if at all, as one of the idiots jammed up front, jumping up & down.)
I remember that they always had a unique band chemistry, a sound where everything just fit.  Yes, we quibbled about album choices (the slow album “Electra” vs. the full-bore live rendition, e.g.), but so what?  The only less-than-asskicking show I ever heard was due, if I recall, to John having a busted finger.  Otherwise, it was all good- not a bad record.
I found the band in the old Continental Club (the Mark & Jeanette era) when I needed just that sort of place to sweat out my troubles (divorce, school, blah blah), and their sound was instantly addictive.
Yes, I can recall doing a few now-rather-embarrasing things (there are possibly some I don’t recall, & don’t tell me!), but I’ve always agreed with what Paul sang in “Hey Jude,” “Don’t you know that it’s a fool, who plays it cool, by making his world a little colder…”  Other than my own looning, my Zeitgeist/Reivers memories are all fond.  And sound great!  If I was in Austin instead of Madison, I’d go see ’em.
My favorite recollection would be a jam-packed night in the Texas Union.  I was standing on one of the big wooden trash bins,  with a few others.  At some point in the show, a lovely young blonde with hoop earrings hopped up next to me and attempted (I think) a conversation, but I could only look her way and smile briefly because a) I could only hear the band, and b) they were doing “Starry Eyes,” and Cindy was singing just to me…  Well, maybe not really, but what the hell, you won’t convince me otherwise!
Glad to see that The Reivers live.  My thanks for a shitload of great songs and shows, and good luck to all.
-Thomas Mackey (March 22, 2013)