Pop Beloved

Released April, 1991
Produced by John Croslin
Executive Producer- Danny Beard


Pop Beloved was the final Reivers album. A combination of things contributed to the breakup of the band. As Garrett says in his interview on this site, it was getting to be less fun and they were having to work at it more. Luckily, they went out in style. Pop Beloved stands with the strongest of their work. To my ears it sounds a little more world weary, a little more experienced than the old Reivers, but no less engaging. “Over and Over” and “What You Wanna Do” are resigned in their outlook, yet “Chinatown” and “Other Side” offer respites from this resignation. As from the first album on, an instrumental or two appears. On Pop Beloved, it’s the atmospheric, very un-pop title track. Despite this piece, the rest of the album is less abstract lyrically than much of their previous output.
Interestingly, “Second Chance” – the very last song on The Reivers last album – is the only one in their career that credits all the band members in its composition. Also, quite an ironic title, eh? Unfortunately, there was no second chance…(at least not for over 25 years!)

Breathin’ Easy (4:45) (Croslin)
Over And Over (3:34) (Croslin)
Dragon Flies (3:51) (Croslin, Longacre)
What You Wanna Do (3:17) (Croslin)
Keep Me Guessing (3:39) (Croslin)
Chinatown (3:48) (Croslin)
If I Had A Little Time Without You (2:36) (Croslin)
Katie (2:41) (Crane, Lawrence, Ray)
Other Side (3:20) (Croslin)
Pop Beloved (3:00) (Croslin)
It’s All One (5:04) (Croslin)
Second Chance (2:41) (Williams, Toth, Longacre, Croslin)

Information on demos recorded for Pop Beloved

Lyrics (In Adobe PDF format)